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51ex6foMsQL._SL300_This is my first venture into the international thriller world of Joseph Finder with The Moscow Cluba bit outdated per recent Russian events, but still worth a look.

Charlie Stone is not in the greatest place in his life. His wife’s walked out, and the CIA calls him back to duty from cliff-face just as he’s assuaging his sorrows by mountain climbing in the Adirondacks. The duty is the unpleasant errand that involves reopening old wounds inflicted when his father had been disgraced–jailed even–during the McCarthy-era pogroms.

Complications ensue, and before long poor Charlie is a fugitive sought be every police force and secret agency on the planet as he searches for a document associated with Lenin. Not only are the various alphabet agencies after him, but there is a consortium of Soviet and Washington moles who desperately do not want the Soviet Union to go democratic. To avoid that they plot to blow up–well, I’m certainly not going to spoil the fun by revealing what (and whom) they plan to blow up. Suffice it to say it’s a big deal.


Of course, Charlie and wife Charlotte get caught up with each other and with the various factions as the action proceeds. The writing is not the best–often sacrificing character for action and depth for thrills–but Finder scores very, very high on the “CAN’T PUT THIS DOWN” index. Lost some sleep over not being able to stop at chapter’s end, so there’s no denying the power of fast-movement and intriguing plot. If you’re looking for that. Look no farther. You’ve found Finder.


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