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searchHere’s what Silvia Villalobos said:

Bonita is a compelling story of self-discovery and courage, set in Northern California in the 1840s, when courage, particularly for a 12-year-old girl, took sheer grit.

Discovering a past that’s been kept from her, including her name, stiffs Bonita with rage and sends her on a journey across a landscape painted as a realistic tableau of the time. Details are attended to in convincing manner down to Bonita’s “night of the grizzlies,” and “uncharacteristically still … waters off Angel Island,” and Spanish bits. Alongside notable and well-researched historical events, we witness the girl’s journey through life stages while powerful emotions and new encounters are weaved into the story.

The first thing that grabbed my attention, however, was the narrative style. While such judgments are really subject to the eyes of the beholder, I found the style and prose done in beauty and elegance. I would recommend Bonita to book lovers in general and historical fiction readers in particular.

I’m grateful to her for her positive (and, of course, discerning) comments. Here’s where those comments are posted. http://amzn.to/1RZtoDP

Why not go there right now?

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