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Hello everyone! I’d like to thank Carl for hosting me today, and introduce myself to his wonderful followers.

My name is Andrea, and I’m an author. I have three books to my publication credit. Two of those books are the first on

es in my series, “The Chosen.” This is a YA fantasy series that is near and dear to my heart, not only because “The Chosen” was my first book ever, but because now that I’ve continued writing these stories, the wonderful characters have grown to become a huge part of me.

The Chosen is a group of six warriors who work together to save their world, Phantasma, from evil-doers. They are sent on quests by Queen Laurali of the elves

In their latest quest, The Chosen head to the northern-most region of Phantasma, Polard, to seek out what evil is wreaking havoc with Nature, and causing chaos on Phantasma. In “Nature’s Unbalance,” The Chosen, along with my readers, discover areas of Phantasma that were not yet explored in the first book. I plan to introduce new sections of Phantasma in each book.

In addition to THE CHOSEN books, I have also written an autobiography called “My Open Heart.” This is my story about growing up with a heart condition. I wrote it for adolescents growing up with heart defects and other chronic health conditions, and parents whose children are growing up with heart defects. My hope is that my story will let them know they are not alone, and help them a little by reading one survivor’s story.

In writing my books, I’m hoping that my words will meet readers’ hearts and minds, and encourage them to Reach for the Stars and Make Their Dreams Come True.

My books can be found at Amazon on Kindle or in paperback. They can also be found on Smashwords for a variety of ereaders, as well as from my publisher, Solstice Publishing.

I would love to hear from you, and find out what you think about my books. You can find me on my website, Facebook, Google+, and on the World Literary Café. I can also be reached on Twitter @andreabuginsky. Let’s get in touch and talk about books and reading. I look forward to meeting you!

Hello everyone! I’d like to thank Carl for hosting me today, and introduce myself to his wonderful followers.

My name is Andrea, and I’m an author. I have three books to my publication credit. Two of those books are the first ones in my series, “The Chosen.” This is a YA fantasy series that is near and dear to my heart, not only because “The Chosen” was my first book ever, but because now that I’ve continued writing these stories, the wonderful characters have grown to become a huge part of me.

pastedGraphic.pdfThe Chosen is a group of six warriors who work together to save their world, Phantasma, from evil-doers. They are sent on quests by Queen Laurali of the elves.

In their latest quest, The Chosen head to the northern-most region of Phantasma, Polard, to seek out what evil is wreaking havoc with Nature, and causing chaos on Phantasma. In “Nature’s Unbalance,” The Chosen, along with my readers, discover areas of Phantasma that were not yet explored in the first book. I plan to introduce new sections of Phantasma in each book.

In addition to THE CHOSEN books, I have also written an autobiography called “My Open Heart.” This is my story about growing up with a heart condition. I wrote it for adolescents growing up with heart defects and other chronic health conditions, and parents whose children are growing up with heart defects. My hope is that my story will let them know they are not alone, and help them a little by reading one survivor’s story.

In writing my books, I’m hoping that my words will meet readers’ hearts and minds, and encourage them to Reach for the Stars and Make Their Dreams Come True.

My books can be found at Amazon on Kindle or in paperback. They can also be found on Smashwords for a variety of ereaders, as well as from my publisher, Solstice Publishing.

I would love to hear from you, and find out what you think about my books. You can find me on my website, Facebook, Google+, and on the World Literary Café. I can also be reached on Twitter @andreabuginsky. Let’s get in touch and talk about books and reading. I look forward to meeting you!

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