Still working...

 Les Edgerton, a mentor/friend/colleague, and author of the hit novel THE BITCH, among many others, has graciously asked me to participate in a promotional blog chain designed to help draw attention to the work we’re in the midst of or about to release. That is, our NEXT BIG THING. Be sure to take a look at Les’s Next Big Thing, is a shocking tale called THE RAPIST.

Before I talk about my stuff, though, I want to draw attention to two excellent writers who will be participating in this little enterprise.

NANCY WOOD has written an intriguing mystery called DUE DATE  about a young woman who agrees to become a surrogate mother, only to find out she’s trapped in the middle of a huge and dangerous conspiracy. The book is scary, funny, and suspenseful by turns. A really original book with a spirited heroine. Nancy also does splendid interviews and reviews on her website.

LESLEY ANN SHARROCK: THE SEVENTH MAGPIE is a completely original work. Both historical fantasy and science fiction and spans four centuries. Witch burnings and spaceships and a 21st century murder mystery in the middle of it all. A wonderful achievement. Lesley’s been working with Les Edgerton on her NEXT BIG THING, which I will leave to her to talk about.


 My next big thing and my current big thing are intimately related. My historical thriller THE SECOND VENDETTA–available in e-book and in paperback—is a tale of reluctant scholar-warrior Andy Maxwell’s struggle to defend his family and their ranch against a fierce warrior intent on destroying it all. In the midst of all that, he’s running for the state assembly, fighting racists in the university, and choosing between a society blond and an Indian princess.

An interest in California history and my own family’s pioneer background gave both the era and the subject matter pulled me into creating the story, and I couldn’t stop till it was finished. More or less.

My NEXT BIG THING, come before the current one. THE MAXWELL VENDETTA, soon to be released by Solstice publishing, is the prequel to THE SECOND VENDETTA. I wrote it first, but as is often the case in publishing, the last ended up leading the parade. I’m also working on a third in the series, so keep watching for all my VENDETTA’s and you’ll be set for reading adventures for quite a while.



The Second Vendetta by Carl R Brush from Solstice Publishing available on Amazon http://amzn.to/PXmxt8.

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